Innovation Branding
A firm grip on everything

TWONG is the story of an idea and the conviction to make a success story out of it. TWONG is the story of a technical innovation, countless improvements and presentations. Yet TWONG is also the story of an unusual name, and an extraordinary company profile, as far as the sector is concerned.
Start-ups such as TWONG are in the early stage of a promising project. The early stages are not only characterised by uncertainty, but also by a necessary element of both technological and economic flexibility. It is, in fact, essential in this stage to make the company’s position visible. New ideas must develop, and new ideas need new signs.
An innovation lives on momentum. You not only need to convince investors, potential partners and your first customer groups; you must also pool your internal resources and generate enthusiasm. Success depends on making your innovation potential visible, as well as mobilisation and activation, and that is the task of innovation branding. The more successful this is, the sooner that promising start-ups become entire success stories of their own.

cdc | Brandcreation advices start-ups and innovative companies on communicative strategies for marketing their projects and products.
Brand development, naming, claim, brandstory, investordeck, project presentations , landing pages, events, public relations